So life has been a rollercoaster to say the least. No
one's fault, it just has. I truely understand the saying" if I knew then what I know now".

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ok now it is June 19th, 84 days to go, I have spent the morning here at work handing over some of my duties to others for training. This time is really going fast.  I also have been organizing and cleaning out my papers a little at a time as to not shock anyone here when all my personality is removed.

Working here has been really wonderful, everyone here has been wonderful, I have my favorites and they know who they are and I will miss the everyday bantering that goes on here but I will not be far away.  I am going to make a book out of all the pictures that the kids have made for me and I have displayed here over the years and they will get a kick out of that.

No real plans for next fall, but I am looking forward to spending early mornings outside in the fall weather drinking my first cup of coffee before I start my day.

Just an update here, nothing much new.  see ya !

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

So now it is the 9th of June 2015, really where does the time go? I am 65 years old soon to be 66 and elegible for medicare.  whoopie!!

No kidding I am retireing in Sept.  going through the whole process of signing up for medicare, social security and getting all my ducks in a row.  I have waited for this for a long time and am really ready except unexpectedly I am getting butterflies everytime I think of it, I guess that is nerves.  Although maybe, I think of the old saying that retirement is the begining of the end,  it is some sort of finality, but truth be told it is really the beginning of a new life.  one that you will have to form, fill up, and work at, otherwise you will fade into your recliner never to be seen again.  Having to get this health insurance has been scary for me as I have provided our health insurance for the past 26 years and it has been good health insurance, it would be better if we weren't such sickos here with our diabetes and such.  why didn't I just take better care of myself ugh!

Anyhow I am still really looking forward to the freedom, being able to go when I want to go and sew, make jewelry any time I want with out having to fit in a time schedule of work.  I will not have to think of what day does Christmas fall on, or schedule days off for the kids events. 

I am really excited asside of all the butterflies... just thought I would pop in and say hi, I am still here and still working through life but it has been much easer, less stressful, and I like it that way.

94 days to go but who is counting.............

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tears, without holding them
can become the rapids
you never wanted to ride.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So they call it a "tankini"

So in preparation for my swim class starting again on July 10th I ordered, after a lengthy search a new bathing suit, I always get a one piece and some swim shorts to cover up my thighs which have entered the world record for fat, so I thought I would buy a two piece, bottom shorts, top to match. Yes they call it a tankini, I never thought that I would ever own anything that ended in ‘ini’. I was hoping that it would fit since I had never ordered from this catalog before. It fit and there was enough bathing suit to pull it up over my belly and barely enough to pull the top down, not to mention the padded bra in the top that brought the girls upfront and to attention. I was walking around thinking “what is this in front of me?”

So in the water I go, still feeling unsure if I am properly covered to conceal all my excess, and I found out that this suit also provided a life jacket made of boobs. I am lucky that I didn’t knock myself out, jumping up and down.

I eventually had to tuck the top into the bottom because after all I don’t have my belly button pierced yet and what would people think. All and all the suit is ok, I will never be a bathing beauty, just the big lady in the pool laughing out loud to herself with each jump. So who knew I would get back in a two piece…….not me!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Not just creeping up, more like a run away snowball.....

So, there is nothing more depressing than having your license renewed, just what you need, a picture every 4 years to remind you of what the past 4 years have done to you.  It all shows up, the stress the heartache, the lack of caring about yourself.  I can remember before I was 50, and I was coming up on my birthday and I said that this will be the year, the year that I will take care of myself and lose some weight, pamper myself and have me time, I called it Fit and Fifty.  Well ten years later I was sorry and sixty, but not sorry enough to do something about it.  Now I am coming up on 63 and I am about as unfit as I can be, the heavyest I have ever been, the oldest I have ever been, and I guess I could blame it on the life that surrounds me, but the truth is I can only blame myself.  I am sure that I will go out of this life (later rather than sooner), unfit, unhealthy, unthin, and unbeautiful.  But it is what it is I guess.  I can always dig out all those old licenses and see how when I was 40 I thought I looked bad, little did I know I would out do myself 23 years later.  So who knew I wouldn't look 29 forever.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Chicken and rice cakes???

So I went to the doctor on Friday for my 3 month check up.  My blood sugar A1c was up but all my other stats were excellent.  I gained 8 lbs since Feb.  if you know me you know I can not afford to gain even 8 ounces.  I thought I was going to get lectured about portions, drinking more water, eat more chicken, brown rice and rice cakes, and I DID.   I don't know if the doctor realizes how unrealistic that sounds.  I have waited all these years to be able to do what I want and to afford to go to dinner whenever I want, I know that it is selfish and detrimental to my health, but I am not eating dry chicken and rice cakes.  I will exercise more and be more careful with the snacks, I will get my A1c back down in the 6's and all will be right with the world.  Reality is a hard pill to swallow and I already take 7 pills every day. So at this time in my life I think I will do my best to take care and  to make myself happy.  I might take out the bike this weekend.  Or I might  not.  So who knew I could be so disobedient. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I am so Proud to be an American

So we just had a very special weekend, full of grilled chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers, toasted marshmallows, swimming in the pool and having an ice cold drink. I also know that many of us were thinking of the reason for the holiday, we were thinking of the brave men and women who have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy, for the veterans of yesterday and today who aren't doing so well. We also pray every day for the safe return of our troops even though we know that all of them will not walk off that last plane ride home.  I also thank God that we are a people who worship our heros, and appreciate the protection they provide.  We may not always say it but THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.  God Bless America.
